Free Reading ÷⇋ Fridays with the Wizards (Castle Glower #4)

Fridays with the Wizards (Castle Glower, #4)
Celie and her friends and family are back in the Castle, safe and sound. But there's still the problem of Wizard Arkwright. What do you do with an evil wizard? Especially when he escapes from his cell, but doesn't leave the Castle!Now it's up to Celie, with the help of her wizard brother Bran and her griffins, to track down Arkwright and get rid of him for good!...
Title : Fridays with the Wizards (Castle Glower #4)
Author : Jessica Day George
Language : English
Format : Paperback - 240 pages
Genres : Fantasy, Childrens, Middle Grade, Magic, High Fantasy
ISBN : 140885841X


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